Day #705 (Fri., Dec 9, 2011) – The UNC Gown
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1:00am and we are all up…watching “The Grinch That Stole Christmas” on our bed this “early morning”. I keep pointing the Grinch out…wonder if Katie can make the association between this cartoon and the inflatable Grinch who comes out of the chimney at the nearby neighbor Christmas display?

The Grinch is over…time to watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. At one point Charlie Brown is remarking about an upcoming Christmas decoration contest and says “Oh No”…one of Katie’s favorite sayings these days.
The photo to the left shows some playing cards that I picked up at the Dollar Store yesterday. I’m hoping that they will keep Katie entertained during the Christmas Party tomorrow.
My wife had to go to UNC to get her graduation gown and take care of some other errands so I tended to Katie. I gave Katie some homemade soup for breakfast and she added some milk to it…wanted a cream soup I guess. We then went for a stroll around the neighborhood…first to see the veterinarian clinic across the street and then to see the duckies. I thought it was going to rain so I almost took her home (don’t want her to get another cold), but we endured. I don’t know what happened to the ducks…it seems that there are Canadian Geese as far as the eye can see. I don’t like them much…too aggressive and messy.
I made tortillas on the grill this evening and a homemade hummus sauce of chickpeas and lemon in the blender. We all loved it…a sure family favorite. Katie doesn’t like the sound of the blender very much but I hoisted her up on my hip and showed her how it worked.
1) Katie loves to say “Oh No”.