Day #708 (Mon., Dec 12, 2011) – Clingy Katie
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When Katie got up this morning I took her out of the crib and she was very “clingy” to me. I went to make her some milk and she sat and cried. Once I got her the milk she wanted to sit with me in the LazyBoy and cuddle. Only the sure fix “Caillou” would help calm her down and get her ready for the day…
As I was sitting in my LazyBoy this evening Katie crawled onto the little table beside me and crawled onto my lap. She then proceeded to crawl off my lap and onto the other side of the LazyBoy. We sure have a “Daredevil” child in our midst. Wonder where she gets that from?
Katie used to say 1..2… Today she has been saying 2..3… so she is gradually progressing to the next level “number wise”.

This evening we all took a drive around the neighborhood to see the Christmas lights (see photo to the right). My wife and I were marveling at how easy it is to drive Katie around now that we have a DVD player in the backseat. We talked to the lady off Hawks Nest about Santa giving Katie a present that we give him…she said that it could definitely be arranged. She also added that hundreds sometimes come to see Santa on the 23rd and 24th so that may pose a problem. Where will we park? What if the weather is cold? We will resolve that issue when the time comes…
Remember our “non-cuddly” child? What happened to her? Katie used to avoid hugs and physical touch like the plague but today she must have come up to me 10 times for hugs. She would put her head into my chest and say “Awww…”. At other times she took great delight in pointing out the various parts of my face…the eyes, the mouth, the nose, the ears…you get the drift…
1) Katie is very clingy these days for some reason.