Day #713 (Sat., Dec 17, 2011) – Drawing In Circles

This morning I awoke to the sound of Katie trying to bring her big box of blocks into the bedroom. My wife wouldn’t let her lest it wake me up…but Katie’s crying did the trick. She doesn’t like to be stopped when in the process of one of her “tasks”.

I took Katie to Bond Park this morning to feed the duckies. She tripped on the stairs and fell…but she was not hurt. A little crying and hugging and kissing from daddy and she was on her way. One tough kid…

We had another Skype session with my mother this afternoon. We talked about the fact that my wife is having her graduation ceremony tomorrow and the “Rosemarie” cupcakes we used to get when I was a child. I liked the strawberry flavored ones and my sister preferred the chocolate ones.

This afternoon my wife wanted to go back to JC Penney’s to claim the discount on the skirt that she picked up yesterday. I drove Katie around the block while my wife went into the mall. Today is a huge shopping day before Christmas and we were worried that we would not be able to find a parking spot (not to worry…there were places).

2011-12-17 - Katie's First Circle
2011-12-17 - Katie's First Circle

Before we stopped off at the mall we went to Abbey Road Grill for lunch. We had a discount coupon from the Entertainment Book so we saved $6.00 and the total cost of lunch was $13.00. This was roughly the amount of money my wife saved from the skirt discount, so we effectively got lunch for free. Katie enjoyed the free crayons and coloring sheet that they provided. She also enjoyed pouring the cream sauce on the table…

Katie has just started to draw in circles (see photo to the left). She would normally just scratch her crayons back and forth on the page. Now you can see that she is trying to mimic mommy and daddy by creating a “circle”.

Katie had a late nap this “evening”…from about 7pm til “now”…9:36pm. My wife is with her in the nursery and it sounds like Katie has found something to “bang” on. What a racket. She will be bringing Katie to me soon…time to get prepared for what arrives…

1) Katie can draw in circles now.