Day #719 (Fri., Dec 23, 2011) – Santa’s Gift
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I assembled the gingerbread house that we bought at Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago. I didn’t use as much icing on it as they suggested but it still looks nice. The plan is to let Katie play with it (i.e.: disassemble it) this evening.
Katie’s sleeping patterns have been very erratic since last Sunday. She didn’t get the chance to sleep during the day while we were at my wife’s graduation. Take today for example. She went to bed at 8am and got up at 1pm. She went to bed again at 5pm and got up at 7:30pm. Go figure…
7:30pm – Now that Katie is up we bundled her up and took her to see Santa at Hawk’s Nest. Each year the guy who has that display of Christmas lights plays Santa from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. We packed up a gift for him to give Katie. Katie stared at him quite a bit (which is the norm) but eventually sat on his lap. She enjoyed running around the yard and seeing the Christmas lights as well.

When we got home Katie unpacked the gift that “Santa gave her”. It was a magnetic fishing game! (see photo to the right) Surprise, Surprise. Daddy showed her how it worked and she played for it a bit. She couldn’t really understand why you needed a fishing pole. Why not just put the magnet to the fish and life it up?
The next thing on the agenda was the gingerbread house. Katie had a great time disassembling all of daddy’s hard work. I broke off some pieces to eat and it was not bad. Not as sweet as I thought it would be. I gave Katie some and she liked it as well.
11:49pm – Trying to put Katie to sleep now. Hopefully this will work…
1) Katie got a gift from Santa this evening.