Day #720 (Sat., Dec 24, 2011) – Caspian International Market

Katie hit her head on the table this morning so we have been watching her to see if we needed to take her to the doctor. There were no signs of problems but just in case… I took her to Bond Park to see the duckies but she put up such a tantrum when I took her out of the car that I put her back in and took her to the playground. The playground posed the opposite effect…she just sat in the swing and stared. Eventually I picked her up and took her home…it was at this point that she got fussy again.

2011-12-24 - Holiday Treats
2011-12-24 - Holiday Treats

This evening my wife got to longing for some of the Christmas treats that she enjoyed in Lithuania so when Katie got up from her nap we all went to the Caspian International Market off Capital Blvd. in Raleigh. While my wife shopped I watched Katie like a hawk. I had to watch her like a hawk so that she didn’t destroy the place. We got some herring and turkish delights (see photo to the right). We also got some special Lithuanian bread that my wife especially loved. The owners of the market were from Iran and wished Katie a Merry Christmas as we left.

On the way home we stopped off at Harris Teeter for some more supplies for Christmas dinner. A turkey and stuffing and a few treats and a helium balloon for Katie.

The next stop was the Middle Eastern Market near the Dairy Queen in downtown Cary. I picked up some Turkish coffee and he talked me into getting a special Turkish coffee pot (cost only $12 to make it in).

8:10pm – I just got off the phone with Norad which offers a Santa tracking service at: (877) HI NORAD / (877) 446-6723. The lady told me that Santa is currently in Iceland and is heading to Ireland. She said that she would be in the Raleigh area from 9pm to midnight to bring presents…but only if the boys and girls were in bed. I don’t think Katie realized the full impact of her continuing to be up and about…

There was a Christmas episode of the Lawrence Welk show on PBS this evening. I showed my wife the ending of the show where Santa passed out Christmas gifts to all the kiddies.

1) Katie got to track Santa’s movements via NORAD this evening.