Day #723 (Tue., Dec 27, 2011) – Bringing Chair To The Counter

Raining like cats and dogs today. No park or playground for Katie today. That’s okay…there is still some sections of the house that haven’t been destroyed yet…Katie will be able to get to those.

2011-12-27 - Katie's Tree Ornaments
2011-12-27 - Katie's Tree Ornaments

Katie wanted to help to decorate the Christmas tree with her toys as you can see in the photo to the left.

I’m trying to assemble the basketball set that Katie got for Christmas but I don’t want her to be around when I do it. If she sees it being assembled she is smart enough to try and disassemble it…something I want to avoid at all cost.

I’ve started to download apps for my Smart Phone. I will now be able to Skype my mother when I take Katie to the playground. No longer will we be relegated to the house. There are also tons of other apps for children and child rearing and I guess I will discover those eventually.

Here we go… Katie has started to push the chair up to the counter so that she climb up and “discover” all the fun things to play with (in her eyes at least). Time to do some more child proofing.

Katie managed to get into the permanent markers and did quite the artistic job on the hall walls. I did some research in Google and a lady suggested that rubbing alcohol would get them off. I tried it…works like a gem…

1) Katie has started to bring chairs to counters and tables so that she can get up on them.