Day #727 (Sat., Dec 31, 2011) – The Newly Inflated Basketball
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Here it is, the last day of 2011. My wife took Katie out to the park this morning so that I could work on the baby doll crib. My rechargeable circular saw has very weak batteries so I need to recharge it and cut, then recharge it again. By the time they came back I had all the cuts made except to the two ends of the crib.
Remember I was saying that the main reason we decided to make this crib ourselves is that the ones we saw online were not very sturdy? We knew that Katie would try to stand or sit in it and guess what Katie did as soon as she saw the parts to this crib assembled on the living room floor? That’s right…she tried to stand on it. Glad we are making it extra sturdy.

This afternoon my wife took Katie out for another walk and I was able to finish off all the cuts to the baby doll crib (see the various pieces in the photo to the right). I did a Skype with my mother and showed her how it will look when fully assembled.
The ball that came with the basketball stand was very soft so I inflated it this afternoon with the pump we got in the mail yesterday from Amazon.
1) Katie started to stand on the baby doll crib parts today…a foreshadow of what is to come no doubt.