Day #729 (Mon., Jan. 2, 2012) – Testing The Baby Doll Crib Components
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I took Katie to the “Dragon Park” (see photo to the right) for a change this morning. I’ve been going to the playground near Lochmere quite a bit as of late so I thought I would try this one out for a change. Katie loved the green baby swing the most. Unlike most of the other baby swings where you are suspended in a harness, this one lets you recline on a bed of sorts and swing away. I had a hard time getting Katie out of it. She also played on the slide quite a bit…then we went home.
Before I actually start building the baby doll crib I want to test out the various components. For example, will I need to fill the wood and sand it before I spray paint it? How does the trim fit on the edge of the plywood? Will the clear gloss “melt” the flowers I want to put on the headboard. No time like the present to test all this out so I got some scrap wood and tested out the components. The Result? Looks like I will need to fill the wood with wood filler and sand it down before painting it. There are just too many imperfections.
I made Katie some quesadilla this evening. She loves to have food to hold onto…but she also loves to pick out the black beans from the “innerds”.
1) Katie loves the reclining green baby swing at the Dragon Park.