Day #745 (Wed., Jan. 18, 2012) – Meeting Up At Bond Park
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I put a coating of clear lacquer on the baby doll crib (see photo to the right). Hopefully when I paint it yellow now it will not seep through. Maybe I won’t need primer after all…
I met my wife and Katie at the boat house near Bond Lake this evening. I got away late from work so I was late in meeting them.
I had some papers on my bed this evening and low and behold if Katie didn’t get into them. Luckily we got them away from her before she could “sort them” or “color them”. I have a notebook that I used to keep notes in before I got my cellphone. She has an identical one but it is oh so much more fun to “patch” in daddy’s notebook. Once I got my cellphone I basically stopped using it so Katie has taken up the slack. I don’t think there is an empty page in it now without “patch” marks on it.
1) I met my wife and Katie at Bond Park after work this evening.