Day #754 (Fri., Jan. 27, 2012) – Katie’s First Photo

It was raining like mad when I left for work. I rushed to the patio to see how badly soaked the baby doll crib was. My wife remembered to bring it in so it was safe. Great…

2012-01-27Katie went to her school class this morning. My wife told me that the teachers were asking about me. I guess I went to the first couple of classes and now I am not going anymore so they were wondering what happened. Take a look at the photo to the left…little craft mittens that Katie made.

I was working on my laptop in the bedroom this evening when Katie arrived on the scene with the mouse from my wife’s laptop. I asked her “What are you doing with mommy’s mouse”? She replied “Squeak, Squeak”. She heard the word “mouse” and replied back what a “mouse” says…not necessarily the mouse that she currently was in possession of.

2012-01-27 - Katie's First Photo
2012-01-27 - Katie's First Photo

Not soon thereafter she arrived on the scene with the power supply and cord from mommy’s laptop. The mouse was such a bit hit why not try the power supply?

Katie was playing around with the camera this evening and actually took her first picture with it (see photo to the right). Hard to believe that she knew how to turn it on and then click the shutter…I guess she has seen her mother and I do it often enough by this time…

1) Katie made some little craft mittens in class today.