Day #757 (Mon., Jan. 30, 2012) – Ramona’s New Car
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3am and Katie is up. Unlike other mornings where she cries and needs comforting, she got up and said “Play Bears”. She wanted to play with her wooden bears where you change their clothes. She wanted both my wife and I to play with her, so we did. Eventually she got tired and was off to bed again…
Katie loves to put a blanket or some sort of a covering down on the floor and either dance around it or sit on it and watch television (see photo to the right).
I drove our babysitter Ramona to North Raleigh so she could pick up her new car this evening.
This evening we played a game with Katie. We would run around her bear puzzle (which was on the floor in the living room) and then run down the hallway and back again. She got a great kick out of it. She especially liked it when I would run up to her, touch her and say “Tag You’re It”.
1) Katie loves it when we play “Tag You’re It”.