Day #758 (Tue., Jan. 31, 2012) – Colorful Foam
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I’ve added a new theme for, one called “Catalyst”. It is a much more advanced theme so once I can learn how to implement all the features it will much easier to navigate around. One new feature, the “what was Katie doing one year ago” comes in quite handy. With the click of one button you can find out what she was doing exactly one year ago today.

Dance class for Katie this morning. Seems like ages since I went there with her. Only my wife and Katie went this morning. I guess Katie still doesn’t like to follow the instructions of the teacher much…but we hope that will change at one point.
My wife went to a fabric store to pick up for some material for the baby doll crib that is almost done. As you can see in the photo to the left Katie made a rug out of it…
I went to the Dollar Store at noon today and picked up some colorful foam pages for Katie. You can cut various shapes out of them but we don’t want Katie to play with scissors at such a young age so she can “patch” on them instead. When I gave them to her this evening she was more interested in throwing them about, but once I showed her how to patch on them she got the hang of it real quick. Some of the crayons were softer than others and created a darker image. A train on this one a tree on that. Soon we had some nice colorful flash cards.
1) Katie loved the foam pages I picked up for her at the dollar store.