Day #764 (Mon., Feb. 6, 2012) – Katie’s New Enrollment

Katie’s nose has been running but she seems fine otherwise. We were thinking that she was coming down with something but no sign of that…at least yet. She went to bed around 11pm but got up soon after midnight. Her nose was all stuffed so my rocked her to sleep.

Katie then got up around 3am and my wife just patted her on her head and she went back to sleep.

2012-02-06 - Valentine's Day Card
2012-02-06 - Valentine's Day Card

Before I left for work this morning I put another clear coat of lacquer on the baby doll crib. I will soon be giving it the final touches of yellow paint. This has been taking longer than I anticipated but with Katie getting into “everything” and the rainy weather it has been hard to get the paint on it.

We got a Valentine’s Day for Katie from my mother today. You can see it in the photo to the left.

My wife and I have been talking about enrolling Katie in preschool this fall. As it turns out, since we are starting early, Katie was accepted in a preschool in downtown Cary.

This evening my wife was having problems putting Katie to bed so I gave it a go. First up was to sit on daddy’s lap on the LazyBoy and watch a bit of “Thomas the Train”. I provided her with a lot of talking so that she knew I was watching the show with her. At one point she pointed at Thomas and said “He go backwards”. At another point I sneezed and she said “God Bless”. After a few minutes I asked her if her diaper needed changing. She initially said no but when I got up from my chair she took a big plastic container of construction paper to the nursery. I checked her diaper and put her in her crib and showed how she could draw on the construction paper with a piece of chalk. I then said good night and closed the door. It is still quiet in the nursery so I suspect she is out…

1) Katie is now enrolled in a preschool in Cary for the fall.