Day #788 (Thu., Mar. 1, 2012) – Under Contract
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Our Real Estate Agent Chris emailed us this evening to tell us that we are now under contract for the house we liked so much (see photo to the right). If all goes well, after all the inspections have been made, and paperwork signed, we will have a new home in less than a month.
Chris mentioned that the elderly couple who sold us the house were wondering if we were planning on tearing it down. We told Chris to tell them that we loved the house and nothing could be more further from our thoughts. They also want to meet us sometime. When we initially visited the house last Saturday our new neighbor told us that they have lots of kids and grand kids and they used to get together and run up and down the huge lawn in their back yard. They will love Katie.
We did some investigation and rather than renting storage facilities and U-Haul Trucks we plan to rent a PACK RAT and have it delivered to our driveway. We can then fill it with our belongings when we find the time and when it is full they will deliver it to our new house. Not too expensive either.
Katie was marching around the house this evening with her flags. I was marching around one of the houses with her last night so perhaps this was a continuation.
1) Katie is now under contract for a new home.