Day #790 (Sat., Mar. 3, 2012) – The Blueberry Cookie Game
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7:30am – My wife went off to do some shopping and left the baby monitor with me. Katie is still asleep.
We did a Skype with my mother this morning and told her about the new house we bought. She and my sister already knew about it since we’ve been writing about it on the blog, but we were now able to elaborate further on the purchase.
I made some blueberry cookies last night and Katie was “eating” them…but mostly pulling the blueberries out. The next thing I saw was that she was putting them back into the cookie. We give her something to eat and she makes a game out of it…
Katie had a bath this evening. It’s amazing how a bath improves her mood.

My wife was painting with Katie on the easel when she went to the kitchen. Katie chased after her and said “Mom Come Back”.
My wife picked up an “Etch A Sketch” type of device (see photo to the right) for Katie at the sale this morning. While my wife did some work downstairs Katie and I played with it. I would draw on it and she took great delight in pulling the lever that would “wipe it clean”. As she did this I would say “Disappearo” and she would laugh.
1) Katie made a game out of her blueberry cookie today.