Day #794 (Wed., Mar. 7, 2012) – Katie’s New Preschool
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My wife went to see a potential new preschool in Chapel Hill this morning. There were about 10 kids in the class and my wife was impressed with how well behaved they were. Along with the monthly dues a parent needs to contribute 3 hours per child a year to keep costs down. They can either work in the garden or fix furniture or “whatever”. In addition my wife will need to make a snack for Monday and Wednesday one week out of 10 (as there are 10 kids).
At noon today I met my wife and Chris and the house inspector at our new house. They were pointing out various things that needed fixing and offered up some ideas on customizing the house to our needs as well. My wife and I walked down the hill and actually crossed over the brook to the other side.

We don’t want to give Katie a bath these days because of her skin so we have another way for her to play with the water she loves so much. The sink. You can see a photo of her cleaning up and playing about in the photo to the left.
This evening my wife and I were looking at various options for the kitchen flooring. We’re thinking that it might be best to choose a cheap option like vinyl flooring for now and after we have been in the house for a while redo everything with hardwoods, etc. The reason we would rather be in the house for a while before launching such a big project is to ensure that we really understand what we need. For example, we might tear down the wall between the kitchen and the breakfast area to give us more space.
1) Katie sure loves her water.