Day #796 (Fri., Mar. 9, 2012) – Painting Toast Purple

2012-03-09 - Purple Toast
2012-03-09 - Purple Toast

My wife was having her breakfast this morning and very happy that Katie was quietly playing and giving her time to eat. When she tracked Katie down she was painting her toast with purple paint (see photo to the right). It seems whenever it goes real quiet with Katie around it is time to “Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid…”.

Katie went to her preschool class this morning. Ramona tells us that Katie was sleeping in class. She would just stare ahead and “sleep” for a while. The teacher even asked her if everything was alright. Sleeping/daydreaming in class…just like daddy…

When Ramona our babysitter left this evening Katie said “Thank You”.

We found a new video on YouTube that Katie loves. Here it is:

Katie will do all the movements along with the video.

1) Katie painted her toast purple this morning.