Day #801 (Wed., Mar. 14, 2012) – The Wolf And The Bunny Videos
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Katie loves to draw and paint. My wife picked up a book the other day that will help us with that…”I Can Draw Animals” (see photo to the right).
When I got home from work Katie wanted me to sit on the LazyBoy with her and watch YouTube videos. We ended up watching some Russian videos about a wolf and a bunny. My wife tells me that she watched these same videos as a child.
Katie is really into the Oswald episode where he goes fishing (i.e.: Goin’ Fishing) for some reason. She will request it by name. Right now she is repeating after the characters on the show. She cannot find her pacifier so she has her dress in her mouth. It comes out as a mumbled garb…
Katie was running around tonight and managed to take off her diaper. Unfortunately she had a bit of diarrhea … what a mess!
8:30pm – Tried to put Katie to bed but that didn’t take. She’s up now and bringing anything she finds in the kitchen into the living room…
1) Katie has been asking for the Oswald “Go Fishing” video as of late.