Day #810 (Fri., Mar. 23, 2012) – We Have A Storage Unit

2012-03-23 - Storage Unit
2012-03-23 - Storage Unit

They delivered our storage unit (i.e.: today. It was a bit too big for our driveway so we had them put it on the parking area on the road. Katie loved the show (see photo to the left)…she loves trucks and trains and stuff like that.

We disassembled the gazebo on the patio this evening. It looks like it will rain tomorrow so with the gazebo gone the whole patio area will get a great washing.

Katie was really into her bubbles today and kept asking for them all day. We would then take them out to the patio area and blow a few. With Katie’s attention span these days being measured by seconds she was soon onto something else. She got a great kick out of jumping up and down on the green plastic turtle sandbox. I would sing a little song as she jumped away “Bubble Bubble Boil And Trouble”. Heaven knows what this meant to Katie but she kept asking for me to repeat it.

1) Katie is really into her bubbles today for some reason.