Day #814 (Tue., Mar. 27, 2012) – Water Glass To Banana

2012-03-27 - Bear Fall Off

Katie didn’t go to dance class today. Ramona didn’t feel like taking her as she usually fusses and wants to come home anyway. No more dance classes for Katie in Cary. It’s funny…she loves to dance at home but really doesn’t like this class.

Take a look at the photo to the right. My wife tells me that Katie mentioned that the “bear fell off the swing”.

9:45pm – I just got back from Food Lion with a car load full of boxes. They had a truck come in this evening and they said that they would leave some out for me to assist in my moving. I said that I would take as many as they had. The truck this evening was smaller than initially expected…but 20 boxes…that’s not bad.

10:15pm – I’m about to go to bed. I reached over to my nightstand to have a drink of water as my glass is usually there. No glass…but there is a half eaten banana. There are two options as I see it:

1) A new physics phenomenon of transformation of water glass to banana has occurred OR

2) Katie was playing with my glass of water so my wife took it away. The banana? Katie had to put it somewhere if she was going to have some “water fun”.

I’ll let you decide which option you think happened…

1) Katie saw in a book where the “bear fell off a swing”.