Day #820 (Mon., Apr. 2, 2012) – House Closing Date/Time Finalized
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As you can see in the photo to the left Katie has branched out into painting her toys.
We are running out of bubble liquid so I will have to go to the Dollar Store and get some more sometime soon.
We got an email from the real estate agent…we are closing tomorrow at 1:30pm. We are too exhausted and tired to celebrate…
My wife wanted to pack this evening so I tended to Katie. We played with various toys as her attention span is so short. We first started off with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Figurines, then to playing cards, then to a slinky. I had the slinky at one point and Katie started to grab it from me. I said “Just say please and I will give it to you.” She fussed and fumed but would not say “please”. In the end I just gave it to her…this will have to be a lesson for another day.
We were browsing YouTube on the television this evening and came across a CanCan video. Katie’s response was “so so”. She sure likes that “Sesame Street Kid’s Dance” video though.
1) Katie won’t say please if you ask her to.