Day #822 (Wed., Apr. 4, 2012) – The Bubble Machine
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In case you might be interested in seeing the new kitchen tiles we have picked out for Katie’s new home…take a look at the photo to the right.
I was planning on stopping off at the Dollar Store to get some more bubbles for Katie but today proved to be very hectic. I got a call from my wife around 3pm that the movers could not deliver our storage container due to the low hanging branches at our driveway. I had to leave work, get a tree pruning saw on a long handle at Home Depot and meet the guy at our new house. To top it all off it was raining when I arrived while it had been sunny all day. In the end we were able to cut the branches and get the storage unit in place.
Even though I was not able to get bubbles for Katie I was able to see some interesting bubble making devices that you can get via Amazon. Here are the links:
1) High Output Bubble Machine Maker – Daddy really likes this one.
2) Hand Crank Bubble Machine – I think that Katie might like this one the most as she will be generating the bubbles.
3) Gazillion Bubble Machine
When I got home from work this evening Katie met me half way down the stairs. She seems to be doing this more and more often as she gets older.
1) We are planning on getting a bubble making machine for Katie.