Day #829 (Wed., Apr. 11, 2012) – Licking Jam And Bread Off The Floor
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The HVAC guys arrived this morning (see photo to the right) to continue work on our new system. I’m sure glad that I took that carpet up in the basement during the weekend.
Katie is gradually getting used to her new home. This morning she took a piece of toast with jam and placed it on the floor in front of the television then bent over like a dog and licked the jam off of it. What the?
The HVAC guys were pounding away on the house all day today and Katie just slept right through it… Definitely daddy’s girl…
We managed to get our Vonage phone set up and cancelled our subscription to Time-Warner in Cary.
Ramona tells us that this afternoon Katie got up on a little platform, opened up her arms, and said “Welcome to the stage!”. Where does she get this stuff from? I think it might be from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as Mickey often opens up his arms in this fashion. Take a look at this…
Katie has been playing with coins as of late. I wonder if this is a “one off thing” or the start of a new trend?
1) We don’t need plates with Katie around…she will eat off the floor.