Day #835 (Tue., Apr. 17, 2012) – “Special Present”
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At noon today I drove to the old house to take care of a few things. My wife wanted the curtain hooks from Katie’s old room and I picked up the mail while I was there as well.

I never did show you the bubble machine that my wife bought Katie did I? Well, I’m going to remedy that now…take a look at the picture to the right. This little machine works quite well…
When I got home this evening Katie was sitting on the LazyBoy watching cartoons. As soon as she saw me she said “Special Present”…so I guess I have been too predictable in giving her things from the Dollar Store. I pretended that the mail I picked up at the old house was for her…which got me off the hook for today.
Katie was in wild form this morning. She decided that she would take all the kleenex out of the box and put them in daddy’s cup of water. I think that both my wife and I need one of those stainless steel tumblers that will open when you push a latch and close when you release it. In this way Katie will not be able to put “whatever” inside it.
I was reading Katie a book this evening and as I pointed at the various animals she would tell me what it was. When I pointed at a pigeon she said “bird” but when I corrected her she was fine after that. For some reason she wanted to call a donkey a goat…even after I corrected her numerous times.
1) Katie expects daddy to bring her a “special present” every night now.