Day #841 (Mon., Apr. 23, 2012) – Sugar = Yogurt
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As I was leaving for work this morning Katie was pressing her nose against the door watching me leave. Kind of like a Hallmark moment…
Katie is gradually getting used to more “grown up” activities at the park. In the photo to the left she tries out the tire swing.
Yesterday I ordered a cup with a secure lid on it. In order to get liquid out you need to depress a lever. I figure that this is a necessary step as Katie will make a game out of any cup of liquid that I leave within her reach. This evening she poured all the water from my cup into a bucket, added some juice from her sippy cup, then poured the contents onto the floor. That cup can’t come soon enough…
Katie and I played with her bathtub dolls for a bit and when she started to munch on one of the legs I figured that she was hungry. I went to the fridge and got her some yogurt (which she calls sugar). She loved it. She didn’t like the piece of mango that she found in the yogurt so that got spit out and about half of it gets on her clothes and face and hands…but at least some of it gets through…
1) Katie calls yogurt sugar.