Day #857 (Wed., May 9, 2012) – Katie Stuck At Home
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It rained all day so Katie was stuck at home. No park…no walking outside…stuck at home…
So, my wife brought the Little People toys from the basement so that Ramona and Katie could play with those. It was like a new toy to Katie since she hasn’t seem them in so long. It’s funny, with all those components the thing that Katie really liked was the two little plastic imitation food stands. We think that Katie likes them because they are of the same size and she can connect them together and organize them.

This evening when I came home from work I brought Katie a toy that I got from the Dollar Store the other day…a plastic red snake (see photo to the left) that moves like the real thing when you hold it by the tail.
Katie went into the nursery to have her diaper changed screaming “Diaper, Diaper, Where are you?” After my wife changed her Katie said “Thank you mommy…I’m happy to see you”.
Katie was playing with a porcelain cat and bunny in the kitchen this evening. The cat is drawing with the chalk (according to Katie at least).
1) I gave Katie a red plastic snake this evening.