Day #868 (Sun., May 20, 2012) – HomeMade Bow
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Katie and I made a bow for mommy today (see photo to the right). I cut a piece of paper into long strips…and Katie organized them into rows. We took turns coloring them (I could only find 3 “patches” or crayons as they are normally called). I then assembled them into a circle shape and stapled them together. Voila! Bow! I had Katie go and give it to mommy.
This evening I made a tower of clothespins and put a wire ball on the top. When it tipped over Katie would laugh and laugh. She likes it when things fall over or fall down…this seems to stem back from the days when she used to knock over the block towers I used to make.
I went to bed around 10pm while my wife tended to Katie. She cried and cried and while I nodded off initially she woke me up for good just before midnight. Now daddy can’t get back to sleep…3am as I write this…
On “60 Minutes” tonight there was an interview with Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. He said people are amazed how he can be rocking and rolling at his age. He replied that it was not tough at all…at least not like a tough job such as raising a two year old. That’s fascinating considering he could have said anything…coal miner, astronaut…but he chose taking care of a two year old. I agree!
1) Katie and I made a bow for mommy for Mother’s Day.