Day #888 (Sat., June 9, 2012) – Red Velvet Frozen Yogurt

9:11am – Mom and Katie are up…I’m still sleeping. I guess Katie told my wife “I want a shoosh to feel better”.

This evening I had to go to Lowe’s to get some supplies so we bundled up Katie and my wife and I made a trip out of it. First stop was the Hacienda Restaurant in Chapel Hill where we have a coupon for a free dinner.

After eating we ended up at Lowe’s. I needed to get a handle for the toilet in the 2nd bathroom and we needed to check to see if we need any accessories for the dishwasher that will be delivered tomorrow (we did…a hose). I also checked out the transition pieces for hardwoods to tiles as we will need those once the kitchen tiles have been laid.

2012-06-09 - Almost Sick
2012-06-09 – Almost Sick

On the way home we decided to stop off at Yogurt Pump for a frozen yogurt. My wife and I were noticing that Katie has such a vocabulary when it comes to most things, but if there is sugar involved it is just sugar. If she wants yogurt she says that she wants “sugar”. When we talked about getting frozen yogurt she referred to it as “frozen sugar”. She seemed to like the red velvet flavor the most.

On the drive home we noticed that Katie was not as energetic as she usually is. She put her sleeping sack over her face (see photo to the left) so we thought she wanted to go to sleep. Soon all I could see out of the rear view mirror was this steady stream of red liquid…Katie was sick. We debated on whether it was due to car sickness or an upset stomach (she had a lot of chips at the Mexican restaurant and didn’t eat much of the meal after that) or a too short nap during the day. No matter…Katie was sick so we took her home, cleaned her up, and gave her some warm milk to settle her stomach.

1) Katie was sick this evening.