Day #891 (Tue., June 12, 2012) – Flashlight In The Bedroom Tent
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I was planning on staying at work a bit late this evening but my wife gave me a call and said that Katie was out of control and could I rush home. I guess Katie wanted to see Zach the dog but the lady was busy and would not let them in. Katie doesn’t understand that people can be busy at times…only that she wants to see Zach…and now. By the time I got home Katie had calmed down. She was eating a spoon of almond butter and their were sure signs of it all over her face.

Katie will sometimes go for the chest of drawers in the bedroom and throw all the socks onto the floor (see photo to the right). As she does this she will say “I clean the socks”.
This evening I made a tent out of the comforter on our bed and Katie and I hid inside it from mommy. My leg was the tent pole and held it up. We hid from mommy and would then jump out and say surprise. Eventually this whole “tent thing” involved as we brought a flashlight into it with us and read some story books.
1) Katie loves to throw socks onto the floor.