Day #895 (Sat., June 16, 2012) – The $4.00 Balloon

I took the dishwasher out from the wall this morning before anyone got up. I left all the cables in place so that the plumber will know which goes where. He is due to arrive on Monday morning. We have the new dishwasher packed in its shipping box in the kitchen as well.

I stayed home and put some baby latches on the cabinets while my wife took Katie to the park. She had to stop off at Walgreens as we are out of diapers. When they came home Katie had a helium balloon. It cost $4.00 as opposed to the Dollar Store’s $1.00…but she wanted one. I’m going to have to add helium balloons to my list of “Special Presents” at the Dollar Store.

2012-06-16 - Baby Birds
2012-06-16 – Baby Birds

The photo to the left shows the bird’s nest in front of our house. A bird has made a nest in one of the potted plants my wife put up.

Katie would not go to bed this afternoon so I took over and my wife went for a nap. She was screaming at first but once I put Caillou on the television she calmed down. I even managed to get her to drink a bit of milk and have some cheerios. Unfortunately when I tried to rewind it she got restless and got up to play catch with me (the episode of Caillou was about playing baseball). We tried to catch ball for a bit but she doesn’t really have a handle on where to put her hands to catch it properly. At about 3:30pm, with a bit of fuss I might add, I managed to put her to bed.

This evening my wife took Katie to see Zach the dog while I cleaned up the place a bit. Cleaning up the place seems to be one of those endless tasks as Katie will just “unclean it” when she gets back.

Katie seems much better this evening. She doesn’t have her fever or cough anymore so my wife let her play with her toys in the tub. This child just loves her water…perhaps even more than Zach?

1) Katie and I tried to play catch today.