Day #899 (Wed., June 20, 2012) – DVR Down
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I worked from home today. I still have a nasty cough and don’t want to give the people at work the impression I will be passing on the “plague” to them.
Katie just loves her new patio (as you can see in the photo to the right).
This afternoon our DVR just stopped working. My wife called up AT&T and they said that it just “died” and that they would send out a new one. It should be here in a day or two, but in the meantime we are going to have to figure out an alternative method for Katie to see television and video. Perhaps we will dig up the ole’ reliable TiVo from the basement (or wherever it is since the move).
This evening we set up the TiVo and once Katie saw the TiVo logo appear on the screen she said “I want Oswald”. She obviously associated TiVo with Oswald even though she has not seen it in months. Her memory is amazing…
1) Katie remembers Oswald The Octopus from the years we spent in Cary.