Day #900 (Thu., June 21, 2012) – The 3am Vicks Inhaler
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Another tough night. I tried to sleep in the LazyBoy and even sitting at the dining room table with pillows on the table to rest my head…no luck. Around 3am my nose was so stuffed I couldn’t breathe so I went looking for my Vicks Inhaler. Couldn’t find it. Rummaging around the bedroom at 3am on my hands an knees like a drug addict looking for a fix. Then I remembered that Katie was “eyeing” it. I bet she took it and hid it somewhere. Anyway, I couldn’t sleep so I figured I would drive down to Harris Teeter to get one. To top it all off I could only find one shoe…Katie probably stashed the other one. Anyway, I managed to get an inhaler and some other strips that worked wonders. Slept from about 5am – 8am so I’m holding my own.
So, somewhere in our house, in some remote closet or darkened corner there is probably a shoe with a Vicks Inhaler inside it.

I gave Katie a “Special Present” this evening…a bath mitt hand puppet that looks like a bumble bee (see photo to the right). Katie thought that we wanted to give her a bath so it didn’t go over all that well.
It’s after midnight and Katie is still up. We decided that we would take her out for a drive around Chapel Hill to “the edge off”. My wife said that she realized Katie would not fall asleep in the car, but perhaps the drive would wind down enough to go to sleep when we got back. The result? Katie’s eyes were wide open looking at all the sights and sounds. As we were heading back towards home Katie said “I want to go to the park”…after midnight!
I couldn’t help but think that Katie was thinking: “I hope that this little drive helped to take the edge off my parents so that they will stop with this nonsense of trying to put me to bed”.
1) I gave Katie a bumble bee bath mitt today.