Day #903 (Sun., June 24, 2012) – Pizza Party In A Tent
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Katie didn’t get up til late this morning so we decided that we would not let her have a nap and try to put her to bed early this evening.
We called up my mother this afternoon. Katie said hello and sent her kisses via Skype. My mom remarked at how she has seemed to really grow up in the last few weeks.
I had to return some stuff at Lowe’s so we bundled up Katie and made a family day out of it. My wife got some flowers and Katie got the chance to run around a bit. We then decided that we would go for pizza. The pizza parlor that we intended to go to was overflowing with Italians watching the soccer match between Italy and England so that was a “no go”. We stopped off at Almante Pizza but the doors were locked? Not sure why. On the way to the Loop pizza Katie kicked up a fuss and said she wanted frozen sugar so … first stop … TCBY (i.e.: The Countries Best Yogurt).
After TCBY we stopped off at the Loop pizza and picked up a sausage and goat cheese pizza to go. On the way home we told Katie that we would have a pizza picnic in the tent…and she made sure that we held up our end of the bargain. So there we were, mommy, daddy and Katie…sitting on the master bed with a pizza and snuggling under a comforter. Katie sure loves the tent concept…

We got a handout at one of the stores next to “The Loop” this afternoon (see photo to the left). Katie took one look at it and said “It’s a daddy”. She then looked at it again and said “It’s a Super Daddy”. We have learned to take Katie’s eyes as the gospel truth and so when we looked at the handout, sure enough, there was a man with a cape on…”Super Daddy”.
8:15pm – Mommy and daddy are beat. Katie is in bed…let’s hope this sticks…
1) Katie spotted “Super Daddy” on a handout we got at a shop today.