Day #910 (Sun., July 1, 2012) – Happy Canada Day Katie!
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This is Katie’s third Canada Day! We bundled her up and took her to the play area outside of JC Penney at SouthPoint Mall. I suppose you could say that this was her Canada Day Celebration.

The photo to the right shows the Thomas The Train Puzzle that we picked up for Katie yesterday.
Katie sure loved the various activities at the play area. There were slides and various boats and things that you could crawl over and under and jump up and down on. Just the thing that Katie needs to burn off all that extra energy.
We have been trying to take Katie to indoor activities as of late as it has been so hot outside. Once the weather starts to be a bit more bearable it will be time to do the playground circuit again.
This evening I gave Katie some “glow in the dark” bracelets that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day. We even took them into the tent to see how they would look glowing in the dark.
This evening Katie took to her Thomas The Train Jigsaw Puzzle that we got for her yesterday. She would take out a couple of pieces and put them back. My wife and I would compliment her on what a smart little girl she was and loved all the hugs and kisses that ensued.
1) Katie took to the Thomas The Train Puzzle we gave her yesterday.