Day #911 (Mon., July 2, 2012) – Rock Star LifeStyle
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There is this little baby bird outside our kitchen window today (see photo to the right). At first my wife thought it was injured, but soon its mother appeared with some food and it flew away. It was just a little baby bird and just getting its “wings” (if that is the word).
Our little rocker Katie didn’t get up til 11am this morning. When my wife tried to put her down for a nap she was still chatting in her crib at 4pm so my wife asked Ramona to take her out. What does this mean? I means that Katie will be going to bed early tonight (we hope).
Our child sure loves the nights. Many a night around midnight she will be wanting us to chase her or wrestle with her. Such a rock star lifestyle…up all night and sleeping all day…
I had to go to Cary to clean the floors in our old house after work today. On the way I stopped off at Ron the Mechanic as my car is starting to hum and shake when I reach high speeds. He told me that it is probably a right wheel bearing assembly and I should bring it back to him when it gets worse. He is always curious about Katie and how things are going with her. He has a son but no daughter. He said that she is at the age when you have to be careful what you say around her. If you say something that you don’t want repeated they will repeat it as they don’t have any sort of concept of what should be kept to themselves.
1) Katie has a rock star lifestyle.