Day #913 (Wed., July 4, 2012) – America’s Birthday
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We bundled up Katie and took her to the Southpoint Mall this morning. She had such a great time when we took her to the playground there last weekend that we thought she would enjoy it again today. Well, today was a bit different…
The plan was for my wife to leave Katie with me at the playground while she went shopping. As soon as Katie saw the playground she said that she was scared of the pelican figure that was on the play lighthouse. She was clingy to me for most of the time at the playground, but she did wander off a bit…

One of the things that Katie enjoyed doing the most was “commandeering the lighthouse”. There is a area in the lighthouse where you climb up the stairs and slide down the other side. Katie would climb up into the lighthouse and sit down at the top of the slide (see photo to the right)…effectively preventing the other children from passing through. As I was watching the lighthouse from a bench I would effectively see the flow of children come to a halt and figured out what the problem was. I had to go get Katie about three times and remove her from the top of the slide.
When Katie brought her shoes to me I knew that it was time to leave, so we went looking for mommy. I didn’t find her at Gymboree so we walked some more. Katie got to ride on the escalator twice and a lady at one of the booths said that she was so pretty she stopped her and gave her some lotion to give to her mommy (and gave Katie a sample too).
1) Katie commandeered a lighthouse today.