Day #921 (Thu., July 12, 2012) – I Don’t Want Attention
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This evening Katie was on the LazyBoy saying “I want milk and juice”. She has been doing this quite a bit as of late…and not bother drinking it once we get it for her. I said “She wants attention…she doesn’t want milk or juice”. Katie piped up and said “No, I don’t want attention, I want juice”.
I was having a bowl of cereal on the couch this evening and Katie said that she wanted some. Once my wife made her some she crawled over to the couch and said “I want daddy’s”. The then proceeded to take my spoon and have some…
I bought some “Glitter Glue” at the Dollar Store for Katie a while back. While my wife took her out for a walk this evening I tested it out. It takes a while for it to dry and is rather messy so I think I’ll save it for her when she gets older. There is always the old “tried and true” glue stick if we want to do a craft project with her for the next little while.

With the glitter glue idea down the drain (at least for now) I decided that I would give Katie another “Special Present” that I picked up for her at the Dollar Store the other day. A Sesame Street Wooden Puzzle (see photo to the right). The pieces were a bit too tight for Katie’s little hands but we played with it for a bit and she will be able to pry them off each other as she gets older.
1) Katie doesn’t want attention…she wants juice.