Day #928 (Thu., July 19, 2012) – The Game Of Concentration
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I gave Katie a “Special Present” of some Sesame Street Flash Cards this evening (see photo to the right). They were a bit too sophisticated for her as they dealt with things like “empty” and “full” and “top” and “bottom” rather than her usual “circle”, “square”, and “blue” and “red”. No problem…we had fun with them at any rate. Not sure if they will survive the journey til she is older. She tends to go through quite a few playing cards…I find them everywhere.
Later in the evening my wife broke open “The Game Of Concentration” that she picked up at a consignment sale earlier on. The cards had little animals on them and she enjoyed yelling out their names when I pointed to them. She then started this game of pick up a card and fall backwards onto the bed. She would laugh like crazy…funny to her I guess.
Just before she goes to bed for the evening Katie has taken to playing with the farm animals and toy barn. When she is sleepy she will go off and play quietly by herself. She knows that if she bothers us that she will go to bed all that much sooner so she tries to stay out of our way. She has done this since she was a young baby.
1) Katie plays quietly by herself in the evening lest we put her to bed that much sooner.