Day #931 (Sun., July 22, 2012) – To The Cary House
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My wife and I took Katie to the Golden Corral for breakfast this morning. A couple of times it was only Katie and I at the table and when Katie started to get down from the chair and run away I told her to stay…and she listened. She is gradually getting better at listening to instructions.
After breakfast we drove to see the Cary house. It didn’t have a “under contract” sign on it, which is probably good. We did see a “Radon Testing” sign on the door. On the way back to Chapel Hill Katie expressed an interest in going to the park so we stopped off at the playground in downtown Cary (near the U Haul dealership).
Once we got home all three of us were so tired we went to bed.

This afternoon my wife needed to do some work so I tended to Katie. It was “Special Present” time so while Katie was playing on the patio I broke open the…
1) Parachute Man – A little man with a parachute attached. When you throw him nto the air he will descend in a parachute.
2) Rocket Balloons – Balloons that you blow up with air and when you release them they will fly into the air (see photo to the right).
This evening we took Katie to the Mayflower Restaurant for dinner. As usual she enjoyed seeing the fishes. The staff seems to really like her…in spite of her running around. Perhaps it is the tips we leave. On the way home we stopped off at WholeFoods to get 6 Goat’s Milk (you get a 10% discount for bulk purchases).
This evening Katie was playing with her Mickey Mouse Clubhose figurines and could not find her “Goofy”. I sent to the washer/dryer area and broke out the one that I got for her on Friday. Surprise!
1) Katie got a lot of “Special Presents” from me today.