Day #932 (Mon., July 23, 2012) – First Nap In New Bed … Failure
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With the new bed and bedspread (see photo to the right) in Katie’s room it was time to see if Katie would become accustomed to it. So, our babysitter Ramona asked Katie if she wanted to take a nap in her new bed. Katie’s reply was “yes”. So, with Katie alone in the bed the fun soon began. Katie got up and practically destroyed the room. She threw everything off the shelves and when she was done she cried out: “Ramona, Ramona, anybody there?” Ramona then came to pick her up and changed and fed her and put her back to bed again. When Ramona asked Katie if she wanted to nap in her new bed this time Katie said she wanted to sleep in the crib. So I guess you could say that Katie’s first nap in her new bed was a bit of a disaster.
I made a celery/protein powder smoothie this evening and of course Katie had to have a cup as well. She likes to drink out of a straw so I gave her one of those as well. All was fine and dandy til she had her fill and decided that the straw with smoothie drippings on the end made a fine toy. What a mess in the living room…
1) Katie is not accustomed to sleeping in her new bed just yet.