Day #941 (Wed., Aug. 1, 2012) – Painting The Walls Green

Katie decided that she would expand her horizons with her green paint this evening. Off the canvas and onto the wall… She got fussy and threw the brush when my wife objected. Not sure if she got the message that she shouldn’t paint on the walls…guess we will find out…

2012-08-01 - Glowing Animals
2012-08-01 – Glowing Animals

This evening I gave Katie a set of little plastic “Glow In The Dark” animals (see photo to the right) that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day. We sat on the bed and played with them by setting them into some Play Doh so that they would stand up. We thought it would be a good idea to shut off the lights so Katie could see them “Glow In The Dark”, but Katie got scared so that didn’t last too long.

My wife and I have decided that we are going to take a vacation day off on Friday. My wife has vacation days to burn and this will be the first vacation day since I joined my new job. We are going to just take the whole day, leave Katie with the babysitter, and “relax”…with emphasis on “relax”. We certainly love having Katie and taking her places but sometimes even the most “simplest of events” can be a bit of an ordeal. Take a simple shopping trip for example. Katie will run around through the store and touch whatever she can and often take things off the shelves and put them on the floor. Now, we can stroll around at our leisure and look at what we want and take our times without having to worry about what she has gotten in to or where she is. Like I said…just “relax”…

1) Katie painted part of the walls green today.