Day #951 (Sat., Aug. 11, 2012) – Interviewing Gwen
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I felt like working on the kitchen floors this morning so while my wife took Katie to the park (see photo to the left) I did work around the house. I took up a couple of tiles that needed to be replaced, flattened some of the floor, and put some grout in-between the tiles. While I let things dry I cleaned up the house a bit, then they were back…
When Katie got up for a nap this afternoon we did a Skype with my mother. Katie was a bit fussy at first but then we started to play a game. As Katie was on the LazyBoy I asked mom if she saw a lion anywhere around. Katie would rush over to me and roar and then run back to the LazyBoy. We would then go to the elephant, pig, horse, duck, chicken, cow, etc…and Katie would rush up, make the sound and run back to the LazyBoy. Loads of fun…
Katie got into her animal bowling pins this afternoon. I asked her to show me the pin that was a specific animal and she did.
This evening Gwen came over to interview for the job of Katie’s babysitter. Both my wife and I really liked her. We were going to interview other people but we decided that we would offer her the job this evening. She’s into arts and crafts and seems to really care about children.
1) We interviewed a new babysitter for Katie this evening.