Day #952 (Sun., Aug. 12, 2012) – The Little Black Doggie
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We took Katie to CiCi’s this evening for some pizza. She has been saying how she wanted pizza and this is a cheap “All You Can Eat” option. A side benefit of this establishment is that she can play around the various games and amusements (see photo to the right) and we can keep an eye on her. It is far from the entrance so there is no chance of her running away.
This evening I dropped my wife and Katie off at the park while I went to Trader Joe’s for groceries. This seems to be our normal Sunday evening routine…it’s a way for Katie to get her exercise and us to get the grocery shopping out of the way at the same time.
When I drove to the park to pick up my wife and Katie there was a young lady there with a little black doggie that Katie took a shine to. She wanted $150 for the dog…the same amount as I paid for groceries this evening. We were thinking of getting it, but decided to sleep on it before making a decision. We have a lot going on and decided against it…I’m glad we didn’t rush into it. We’ll get Katie a dog when she gets a bit older and things have settled down a bit.
This evening Katie decided to unwind a ball of string. It is all throughout the hallway as I write this.
1) Katie met a little black doggie in the park.