Day #953 (Mon., Aug. 13, 2012) – Puzzles Puzzles Everywhere…
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We have been looking for a doctor’s kit for Katie. My wife asked me to check them out at the Dollar Store but anything they sell would be a bit too, let’s say “economical” for a kit such as this. I did a search for them on Amazon and there are a number of great kits out there, albeit more pricey. Things have come along way since I was a kid and you had a black toy doctor’s bag for a boy and a white toy nurse’s bag for a girl.
My wife went to a consignment sale in Morrisville today and returned with loads and loads of puzzles for Katie. I got to see them when I returned from work. Katie greeted me at the door and said “Come See”… There was a Mickey Mouse Puzzle (see photo to the right), a Backyardigans Puzzle, and a 101 Dalmatians Puzzle.
We got another mosquito killer in the mail from Amazon today and before nightfall I put it up on the tree near our patio. This one has a compound that needs to be replaced from time-to-time and is supposed to be very attractive to mosquitoes. Let’s hope it works better than the other one we had, and subsequently had to return.
We got a call from Christina this evening. We have an offer on our house in Cary. She wanted to talk terms…hopefully it will be under contract by tomorrow.
1) Katie got a lot of puzzles today.