Day #966 (Sun., Aug. 26, 2012) – Playdate #2
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Not sure if I ever showed you Katie’s first computer? Katie is playing with it in the photo to the left. She loved to bring it to the master bed so she can work on it while daddy works on his laptop.
When my wife took Katie to the playground for a 2-hour run this morning I was able to get a lot done around the house. I was able to resolve the issue with the dehumidifier in the basement as well as put some more of the flooring down in the kitchen. Little by little the place is getting in order. Our new babysitter, Gwen, will be starting work tomorrow at 9am…
The play school where Katie will be attending had another playdate this afternoon at the playground near the Chapel Hill High School. They like to take the kids there as there are plenty of trees and shade. This time around there were a lot of kids in Katie’s class…the “Turtle Class – Monday’s and Wednesday’s”. There is one girl in particular, Eloise, that is a bit younger than Katie. Her birthday is February 15th. My wife and I spent a lot of time talking to her parents.
We were thinking of eating out this evening but we decided that we would go home instead. It costs extra money and Katie can sometimes be a handful. Why not go home and have a cheaper mean and rest in peace? I made “thin” pancakes, with bacon and eggs. Quite a nice meal actually.
1) Katie met some more of her “Turtle” classmates today.