Day #976 (Wed., Sept. 5, 2012) – Katie’s First Day At School
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My wife took Katie for her first day of school this morning. It was 9:30am to 11:30am…a short day so that the kids would be able to get acquainted with their surroundings and not get too tired. The photo to the right shows the school’s playground area.
The idea was that the parents would be in a nearby room and the teachers would be able to go get them if the kids happened to get lonesome or miss them. My wife told me that not a single kid did. They were all playing and having too much fun.
On the way home from work I saw my wife pushing Katie in the swing at Helen’s house. When I drove up they got into the car and we drove home for dinner.
One of Katie’s favorite games as of late is “I Spy”. I will say something like “I spy with my little eye something that is red”. She will usually say “hmmm…” followed by “I don’t know” followed by pointing out what I was asking for. She is quite good at this game I should add.
1) Katie’s first day of preschool was this morning.