Day #981 (Mon., Sept. 10, 2012) – Daddy Sick
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Katie still attached to her crib but she will sleep in her “big bed” from time-to-time (see photo to the right).
Daddy got a touch of food poisoning yesterday and was up all night so he will not be going to work today. Unfortunately I woke Katie up a couple of times so it was a bit “touch and go” whether she would be rested enough to go to school tomorrow.
My wife had to wake Katie up and get her ready for school. When she asked her if she wanted to go to school she happily nodded and said: “you’ve got a big smile on you” 🙂
When my wife brought Katie home from preschool daddy was sleeping and she brought Katie in to see. Rather than the usual antics of loud talking and jumping on daddy she was very subdued. When I woke up later in the day I thanked her for being so quiet when daddy was not feeling well.
Katie took to pretending that she was skating in the living room this evening. We’re not sure where she got this idea from? There is no skating on any of the cartoons we have seen.
1) Katie was pretending to skate today.