Day #994 (Sun., Sept. 23, 2012) – Three Small Flashlights

I worked on the kitchen floors again this morning while my wife took Katie to the park. I just have to put grout down now…an unenjoyable but necessary process. While Katie was at the park there was a fire engine and the fireman took Katie around it and showed her all about it. I guess she was asking all kinds of questions and he was very patient with her.

2012-09-23 - Wagon Windmill
2012-09-23 – Wagon Windmill

This evening my wife took Katie to see Helen for a while and when she came home we drove out to Maple Dairy Farms again. It’s a nice little drive and we can get our fill of ice cream for $7.00 so what’s not to like. Katie likes to see the cows as well. You can see her playing with a “wagon windmill” outside of the store in the photo to the right.

Special Present time tonight…I brought out three small flashlights (one for each of us) that I got at the Dollar Store the other day. I made sure that the buttons on these are easy to operate so Katie can turn them on and off. I was to soon learn out that she is good at turning them off…but not so good at turning them off.

1) Katie loves to go to Maple Dairy Farms.