Day #1002 (Mon., Oct. 1, 2012) – Walking Around The Neighborhood
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We have decided that we will dress Katie up as “Minnie Mouse” this year. You can see her Halloween costume in the photo to the left.
Today was another Nature Explorer Day at Katie’s preschool. Not sure why but it always seems to rain on Nature Explorer Day. My wife got to talk to some of the other parents today and I guess that their kids are talking about Katie…the same way that Katie is always talking about them.
Tonight all three of us went for a walk around our neighborhood. Of course Katie wanted to go and visit Helen, but we managed to distract her. We ended up going to the area where the bamboo is growing and turned around as it was starting to get dark. On the way back Katie rode on my wife’s shoulders…we decided that we would take a stroller with us next time. We saw a kitty and Katie was so excited. Alas, it ran away when we got close.
When we got back from our walk I was watching the football game on the tv and just “crashed”. When I awoke after 10pm my wife was trying to put Katie to bed…and I slept through it. I must have been tired. I offered to take care of Katie and let my wife go to bed. Sometimes it’s better for one of us to go to bed and get rest so that they can take over from the other…this evening just happened to work out this way.
I started by telling Katie some stories. I would ask her what she wanted to hear a story about and go with that. Her first topic was “bears” so I told her a version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Next up was dogs, so I told her a version of “Lassie” (a dog who was unlike other dogs in the neighborhood…she could talk and thereby tell the postman to leave presents at their door so that they could play with them). The third topic was “ducks”…but I thought she said “dogs”. When I started another dog story she would say no “ducks”. Eventually I figured out what she was saying and started off on my “duck” story. Half way through it she wanted to “Can Can Dance”…
So…we watched a bit of “Can Can Dancing” on YouTube and eventually worked our way to “Itsy Bitsy Spider”. By this point I started to work her towards bed… As I was changing her she said that she wanted to go to bed. I tucked her in like my wife instructed…under the white blanket, then the green blanket. I gave her her pacifier and her pink “Mushku”, turned on the Waterfall Soother and after shutting off the light left the room. 11:30pm…she is out for the night…
1) It was Nature Explorer Day at Katie’s school today.