Day #1007 (Sat., Oct. 6, 2012) – Daddy Takes Over
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My wife is still not feeling well so I basically took care of Katie for the day. She wants her mommy so this was not always an easy task. Asking her to be quiet and leaving her alone while she was sleeping often fell on deaf ears.

We started out the morning by going to see the “Painted Cows” at UNC. Big mistake…I forgot that there is a UNC football game today…we got stuck in all that traffic. Eventually we found our way to Umstead Park. Some people were having a picnic this afternoon and rented this huge inflatable truck (see photo to the left) that kids can bounce up and down in. We gathered acorns and buried them in the sand. I even talked to a Russian guy who had a young daughter Katie’s age (was she ever shy).
For the rest of the day we napped and played around the house. It was still hard for Katie to keep away from her mother but I did my best. She wasn’t big on eating but she sure does love those bread sticks/cookies with a circular shape that my wife and I picked up at the international store yesterday. When she won’t eat anything else they seem to do the trick.
I put Katie to bed around 9:45pm and she was fine but soon she was up and talking and crying out for mommy and daddy. So, I picked her up again and we sat in the LazyBoy watching episodes of “Oswald And The Duckling”. After some more of those “International Store” cookies and some warm milk she was ready to call it a day.
1) My wife was sick today so I tended to Katie.